1. Automatic Email Notification on Github Pushes

    It would be sweet if we can get auto email notifications whenever someone pushes to our github project. Unfortunately, the default email service hook of github only supports 2 email addresses at most. Although putting everyone into a mailing list is one solution, for small teams like us, it's ...

    Tagged as : github Linux
  2. [zz] 博士五年总结

    这几篇文章的作者是毕业于卡内基梅隆大学的田渊栋博士。读了以后深有启发,在征得作者允许后转载。原帖地址: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]





    其次,有毅力有决心不一定能成事,方法也是不可少的。做研究的每个环节都需要方法:如何做基本调查,如何下手,如何分析问题,如何坚持自己的观点,如何给任务定优先级,如何处理细节和局部的关系,如何将直观一点一点地转化成严格的数学语言并且验证。在任何一个地方卡住,都会让自己的研究停步不前。面对这么多要求,要同时都准备好再开始研究是不可能的,只有先定目标,然后一步一步摸索。在摸索的开始,会做很多无用功 ...

    Tagged as : PhD zz
  3. Some Technical Details about KinectFusion

    KinectFusion is a powerful 3D reconstruction technique based on Microsoft Kinect Sensor. It's included in the Microsoft Kinect SDK, which is pretty easy to use. But if you wish to do some serious vision applications based on that, more technical details need to be figured out. And here are ...

    Tagged as : Kinect Math PhD
  4. Experience about Hertz 24/7

    Hertz 24/7 is basically Hertz's zipcar. Register to get $75 credit, can be combined with Columbia's Gold Plus Rewards. Also swipe the key nob (an RFID chip) and good to go. I rent a car in my California trip around July 4th, and share some experience with ...

    Tagged as : Travel

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